Insane Habits

Insane Habits

Rock / Alternative

Wien  /  Österreich


We are a Rock/Punk Band from Vienna. We play together since autumn 2007.

Everything has started in Summer 2006! Once again Stefan started to play guitar.
One day his best friend Mark called him and said” Hi! I’ve started to play guitar now”
So Stefan said: “great, lets make a Jam Session”. From that point, the two guys
played together every Friday and drunk off their asses. One day, Mark decided to play
the bass guitar. A few weeks later he got his new instrument.
Now they just needed a drummer for making their dream of a own Punkrock-Band come true.
A year later, Thomas started to play drums.
Since then they play as INSANE HABITS!

As they created their bandname, they sat around and were piss drunk (again).
To find a Bandname, they took a lot of sheets an wrote all their ideas on it.
There where names like nitro steam, alternate target and so on...
On that night they were not able to decide a name. As they reminded that they
still had no name for their Band, they decided for the name "Insane Habits".
Happy about this name, they had to celebrate with much more to drink!
They see it as their duty to entertain people and make them think about several things
happening in our society today. 




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