John Dellroy Band

John Dellroy Band

Rock / Alternative

Wien  /  Österreich


John Dellroy & Band
are a fresh new line-up of Folk-Rock that know no limits and have no inhibitions. John Dellroy and Band combine pounding, thumping rock songs, indie rock, reflective rock ballads, git-down-and-dirty country with catchy melodies and rich vocal harmonies.
Three years ago, through collaboration with American Brian Lott, John Dellroy created unique songs to complement his powerful, gutsy but sensual voice. Sometimes crossing into the downright freaky, Dellroy’s trademarks of haunting melodies and lyrics are etched straight out of Austria, and printed for the World.
Thus, in February 2010, John formed a new band, ascending down from alpine cow-trodden grasses to the rich valleys below. German Rainer Kalning and Austrian Peter Völker were the[...]




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