Punchline Hardcore

Punchline Hardcore

Rock / Alternative

Innsbruck  /  Österreich


Through the extremely positive reactions national and international "For those who are true" was repressed and PUNCHLINE joined forces and released a split-cd with viennas one and only PERMANENT STYLE. Their third release was also their 1st full-length named "Keep your friends close" (released by Burnside Rec. and Keep the spirit alive Rec.) which earned a lot of attention in Austria, across the borders and overseas. After entering the studio once again in early 2005 PUNCHLINE recorded their 2nd full-length named "Underground Loyalty" - reflecting their love&passion for heartcore music... Also several samplers have their name on them ("A sign of friendship"-sampler vol.I+II for example) plus several Compilations from all over the world. Not to forget, the "Tribute[...]




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